429 results
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Geology of Florida
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 4, City of Tallahassee Water Well no. 6, Dale Mabry Field Water Well "B", Ravlin-Brown V.G. Phillips No. 1 Well
Late Cenozoic Geology of Southern Florida, with a Discussion of the Ground Water
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 3, City of Quincy Water Well, St. Marys Oil Corporation, Hilliard Turpentine Company No. 1 Well
The Natural Features of Southern Florida, Especially the Vegetation, and the Everglades
Floridas Rocks and Minerals
The Geology of Falling Waters State Recreation Area
A Geologic Guide to the Suwannee River, Ichetucknee Springs, Oleno and Manatee Springs State Parks
Florida Caverns State Park, a Nature-Made Geologic Wonderland
Florida Mineral Industry, with Summaries of Production for 1940 and 1941
Geology of Holmes and Washington Counties, Florida
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 2, Suwannee Petroleum Corporations Sholtz No. 1, Florida Oil Discovery Companys Cedar Keys No. 2
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida
Scenery of Florida Interpreted by a Geologist
Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of Two Deep Wells in Florida
Mollusks of the Tampa and Suwannee Limestones of Florida
The Foraminifera of the Upper, Middle, and Part of the Lower Miocene of Florida
The Pensacola Terrace and Associated Beaches and Bars of Florida
Roads and Road Materials of Florida
A Preliminary Report on the Underground Water Supply of Central Florida
Wakulla Springs Scientific Symposium, May 13, 2004, Tallahassee, FL
Aquifer Storage Recovery IV: Science, Technology, Management and Policy - Proceedings, Tampa, FL, April 15-16, 2004
Significance of Caves in Watershed Management and Protection in Florida -- Workshop Proceedings, April 16-17, 2003, Ocala, FL
Florida Spring Classification System and Spring Glossary
Guidebook to the Correlation of Geophysical Well Logs within the St. Johns River Water Management District
Geology and Hydrology of Lee County, Florida
Spring Creek Submarine Springs Group, Wakulla County, Florida
The Wakulla Springs Woodville Karst Plain Symposium Transactions, October 9, 1998
Geological Assessment: The Foundation of Understanding the "Bucket" that Contains Our Precious Water Resources
The Florida Geological Survey: An Illustrated Chronicle and Brief History
Bibliography and Index of Graduate Theses and Dissertations on Florida Geology Through 1991 Including Selected Abstracts
The Neogene of Florida and Adjacent Regions: Proceedings of the Third Bald Head Island Conference on Coastal Plains Geology
Floridas Geological History and Geological Resources
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Background Hydrogeochemistry
Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology of the Gainesville Area, Florida
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Hydrogeological Framework
Geologic Descriptions of Selected Exposures in Florida
Karst in Florida
Hydrogeological Units of Florida
An Overview of Peat in Florida and Related Issues
Miocene of the Southeastern United States, Proceedings of a Symposium Held December 4-5, 1980, Tallahassee, Florida
Catalogue of Type Invertebrate Fossils at the Bureau of Geology
Guidelines for Authors with Comments for Editorial Reviewers
Geologic Framework of the High Transmissivity Zones in South Florida
Environmental Geology and Hydrology, Tampa Area, Florida
Proceedings, Seventh Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals, April 28-30, 1971
Environmental Geology and Hydrology, Tallahassee Area, Florida
The Water Mapping, Monitoring, and Research Program in Florida
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