429 results
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Biennial Report 30 (2017-2018)
Biennial Report 4 (1939-1940)
Biostratigraphy of Selected Cores of the Hawthorn Formation in Northeast and East-Central Florida
Brooksville Quarry
Bulletin 54: Suwannee Limestone in Hernando and Pasco Counties, Florida;  Petrography of the Suwannee Limestone
Carbonate Units of the Intermediate Aquifer System in the Suwannee River Water Management District
Catalogue of Type Invertebrate Fossils at the Bureau of Geology
Cave in Suwannee Limestone
Cave in Suwannee Limestone
Cenozoic Chert Contact visible in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Changes In Groundwater Levels, Spring Discharge, and Concentrations of Saline and Rock-Matrix Indicators of the Floridan Aquifer System, Florida (1991–2011)
Chert in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert in Suwannee Ls Fla Rock Brooksville Tom Allen TS T. Scott
Chert, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Contact between Ocala and Suwannee, "Boxwork" - Fla mining & Materials, Bronco Pit: Underside of Top of Contact
Contact between Suwannee Limestone and (old) Crystal River Formation (now part of Ocala Limestone)
Contact of Suwannee limestone and (old) Crystal River Formation (now part of Ocala Limestone)
Contact visible in Limestone at Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Contact visible in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Contribution to the Study of the Miocene of the Florida Panhandle
Corals from the Chipola and Jackson Bluff Formations of Florida
Core Drilling and Analysis: City of Sarasota, Downtown Well Field
Core Drilling Project: Lee, Hendry and Collier Counties
Dissertations and Theses on Geology Completed at Florida Universities
Dry bed of Lime Run, Suwannee River State Park
Econfina River
Eighth Annual Report
Elevations in Florida
Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology of the Gainesville Area, Florida
Environmental Geology and Hydrology, Tallahassee Area, Florida
Environmental Geology and Hydrology, Tampa Area, Florida
Eocene Mollusks from Citrus and Levy Counties, Florida
Exploration for Oil and Gas in Florida
Exploration for Oil and Gas in Florida, 1949 Revision
Exploration for Oil and Gas in Florida, 1950 Supplement
Falmouth Spring, Suwannee County
FGS Geologists
FGS Geologists Alan Baker and Scott Dyer on the Trail near Jennings Bluff
FGS geologists looking at Suwannee Limestone outcrops along the Suwannee River in Suwannee River State Park
FGS News and Research, Fall 2016
FGS News and Research, Fall 2018
FGS News and Research, Inaugural Issue 2012
FGS News and Research, September 2019
FGS News and Research, Spring 2014
FGS News and Research, Spring 2015
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