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William F. Tanner on Environmental Clastic Granulometry
Bibliography and Index of Graduate Theses and Dissertations on Florida Geology Through 1991 Including Selected Abstracts
A Fossil Hunters Guide to the Geology of Southern Florida
A Fossil Hunters Guide to the Geology of the Northern Florida Peninsula
A Fossil Hunters Guide to the Geology of Panhandle Florida
Geologic Framework of the Lower Floridan Aquifer System, Brevard County, Florida
Floridas Geological History and Geological Resources
Biennial Report 17 (1991-1992)
Neutron Log Signature of the Pliocene Tamiami Formation in Brevard and Indian River Counties, East-Central Peninsular Florida
The Neogene of Florida and Adjacent Regions: Proceedings of the Third Bald Head Island Conference on Coastal Plains Geology
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Background Hydrogeochemistry
Carbonate Units of the Intermediate Aquifer System in the Suwannee River Water Management District
Geomorphology, Geology, and Hydrogeology of the Savannas State Reserve, Martin and St. Lucie Counties, Florida
A Geological Overview of Florida
Plio-Pleistocene Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Southern Florida
Biennial Report 16 (1989-1990)
Information Circular 107 (in three parts)
The Geomorphology and Geology of Liberty County, Florida
Geology of Gulf County, Florida
Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology of the Gainesville Area, Florida
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Hydrogeological Framework
Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology of the Ocala Area, Florida
Biennial Report 15 (1987-1988)
The Lithostratigraphy of the Hawthorn Group of Peninsular Florida
The Geology and Geomorphology of Floridas Coastal Marshes
The Geomorphology, Geology and Hydrogeology of Baker County, Florida
A Brief Overview of Miocene Lithostratigraphy - Northern Florida and Eastern Georgia
Geology of Gadsden County, Florida
Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Madison County, Florida
1986 and 1987 Florida Petroleum Production and Exploration
Geology of Sumter County, Florida
The Geology of Hamilton County, Florida
Stratigraphic Correlation of Outcrop Gamma Ray Profiles in Florida
Geologic Descriptions of Selected Exposures in Florida
Petrogenesis of Early Mesozoic Tholeiite in the Florida Basement and An Overview of Florida Basement Geology
The Geology of Flagler County, Florida
The Geology of Wakulla Springs
Geology of Wakulla County, Florida
The Lithostratigraphy of the Hawthorn Group (Miocene) of Florida
St. Marks Limestone - Tucker Point, Wakulla County
Ft. San Marcos De Apalache
Information Circular 104 (in two parts)
Shallow Stratigraphic Core Tests on File at the Florida Geological Survey
The Industrial Minerals of Florida
An Investigation of the Geology, Hydrogeology, and Hydrochemistry of the Lower Suwannee River Basin
Heavy Mineral Reconnaissance Off the Coast of the Apalachicola River Delta, Northwest Florida
Karst in Florida
Hydrogeological Units of Florida
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