439 results
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Stone Ledge, Dimension Stone Quarry - Marianna Limestone
Marianna Limestone Cavern
Mineral Producers in Florida, 1968
Corals from the Chipola and Jackson Bluff Formations of Florida
Bulletin 54: Suwannee Limestone in Hernando and Pasco Counties, Florida;  Petrography of the Suwannee Limestone
Public Water Supplies of Selected Municipalities in Florida, 1970
Cave in Marianna Limestone
Springs of Florida (Revised)
The Geology of the Western Part of Alachua County, Florida
Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone, Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone Chimney Stone
Marianna Limestone Across from Type Locality
Marianna Limestone, Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone
Marianna Limestone and Overburden, Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Across from Type Locality, RT 90
Regional Structure and Stratigraphy of the Limestone Outcrop Belt in the Florida Panhandle
Marianna Limestone, NW of Marianna
The Limestone, Dolomite and Coquina Resources of Florida
Guidelines for Authors with Comments for Editorial Reviewers
Catalogue of Type Invertebrate Fossils at the Bureau of Geology
Geology of Bay County, Florida
The Sand and Gravel Resources of Florida
Florida Caverns State Park, a Nature-Made Geologic Wonderland
Neogene Stratigraphy and Geologic History of the Apalachicola Embayment
Notes on the Geology of Walton County
Karst in Florida
The Industrial Minerals of Florida
Shallow Stratigraphic Core Tests on File at the Florida Geological Survey
Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Florida (Revised)
Florida Caverns State Park, Jackson County, Florida
Geologic Descriptions of Selected Exposures in Florida
Stratigraphic Correlation of Outcrop Gamma Ray Profiles in Florida
Information Circular 105 (in two parts)
Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Madison County, Florida
The Geomorphology and Geology of Calhoun County, Florida
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Hydrogeological Framework
Geology of Gulf County, Florida
The Geomorphology and Geology of Liberty County, Florida
A Geological Overview of Florida
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Background Hydrogeochemistry
The Neogene of Florida and Adjacent Regions: Proceedings of the Third Bald Head Island Conference on Coastal Plains Geology
Industrial Minerals Industry Directory of Florida
Marianna Limestone from Tiny Quarry by China Cave
Marianna Limestone from China Cave
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