439 results
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Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of Two Deep Wells in Florida
Stratigraphic Correlation of Outcrop Gamma Ray Profiles in Florida
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 4, City of Tallahassee Water Well no. 6, Dale Mabry Field Water Well "B", Ravlin-Brown V.G. Phillips No. 1 Well
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 3, City of Quincy Water Well, St. Marys Oil Corporation, Hilliard Turpentine Company No. 1 Well
Stone Ledge, Dimension Stone Quarry - Marianna Limestone
St. Stevens Quarry, Alabama
St. Stevens Quarry In Alabama
Springs of Florida (Revised)
Springs of Florida
Springs of Florida
Sixth Annual Report
Sixteenth Annual Report
Significance of Caves in Watershed Management and Protection in Florida -- Workshop Proceedings, April 16-17, 2003, Ocala, FL
Shells embedded in rock at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Shells embedded in rock at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Shells embedded in rock at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Shallow Stratigraphic Core Tests on File at the Florida Geological Survey
Seventh Annual Report
Seventeenth Annual Report
Second Annual Report, 1908-09
Scenery of Florida Interpreted by a Geologist
Sample at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Rocks at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Rocks at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Rocks and Minerals of Florida, A Guide to Identification, Occurrence, Production and Use
Rock at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Regional Structure and Stratigraphy of the Limestone Outcrop Belt in the Florida Panhandle
Quarrying marianna limestone by hand
Public Water Supplies of Selected Municipalities in Florida, 1970
Pinnacles of Marianna Limestone
Part 1: A Fossil Squirrel-Fish from the Upper Eocene of Florida; Part 2: The Rostrum of Felsinotherium ossivalense
Ocala Limestone, Bumpnose member, at Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Notes on the Geology of Walton County
Nineteenth Annual Report
Neogene Stratigraphy and Geologic History of the Apalachicola Embayment
Miscellaneous Studies (in two parts)
Miscellaneous Studies (in three parts)
Mining and Mineral Resources
Mineral Resources of Jackson County, Florida
Mineral Resource Study of Holmes, Walton and Washington Counties
Mineral Producers in Florida, 1968
Marianna Limestone, NW of Marianna
Marianna Limestone, Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone, Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone with Foraminifera, Brooks Quarry
Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
Marianna Limestone Pit off Rt 73
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