494 results
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Fifth Annual Report
First Annual Report, 1907-08
First Magnitude Springs of Florida
Florida Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Geochemical Study 2008-2011
Florida Aquifer Storage and Recovery Geochemical Study, southwest Florida: Year One & Year Two Progress Report
Florida Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment: Contamination potential models of Floridas principal aquifer systems
Florida Kaolins and Clays
Florida Mineral Industry, with Summaries of Production for 1940 and 1941
Florida Petroleum Exploration, Production and Prospects, 1964
Florida: The New Uranium Producer
Floridas Geological History and Geological Resources
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Background Hydrogeochemistry
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Hydrogeological Framework
Floridan Jamieson Pit
Floridan Jamieson Pit
Floridan Jamieson Pit, Miccosukee Hawthorn Contact
Floridan Jamieson Pit, Pebble Line
Fluoride in Water in the Alafia and Peace River Basins, Florida
Fourth Annual Report, 1910-11
Fullers Earth Mine
Fullers Earth Exposure
Fullers Earth Quarry
Fullers Earth Quarry
Fullers Earth Quarry
General Hydrology of the Middle Gulf Area, Florida
Geochemical and mineralogical study of core samples from W-19318 (USGS G-2984) Broward County, Florida
Geochemical mineralogical and petrographic characterization of rocks comprising the Upper Floridan Aquifer in South Florida
Geologic Descriptions of Selected Exposures in Florida
Geologic Framework of the High Transmissivity Zones in South Florida
Geologic Framework of the Lower Floridan Aquifer System, Brevard County, Florida
Geologic Interpretation of the Aquifer Pollution Potential in Alachua County, Florida
Geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Inverness 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Ocala 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, north-central Florida
Geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida
Geologic map of the Jacksonville 30 x 60 minute quadrangle Northeast Florida
Geologic Map of the USGS Bartow 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Geologic map of the USGS Daytona Beach 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northeast Florida
Geologic Map of the USGS Kissimmee 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Geologic map of the USGS Orlando 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, Central Florida
Geologic map of the USGS Saint Augustine 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northeast Florida
Geologic map of the USGS Saint Petersburg 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, west central Florida
Geologic map of the USGS Tarpon Springs 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Geologic map of the USGS Vero Beach 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Geologic map of the western portion of the USGS Inverness 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Geologic map of the western portion of the USGS Ocala 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, north-central Florida
Geologic map of the western portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida
Geological Assessment: The Foundation of Understanding the "Bucket" that Contains Our Precious Water Resources
Geologist Scott Dyer looking at the exposed Hawthorn Group in Dead River
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