494 results
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Phosphate Mining
Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink
Exposed Strata At Brooks Sink
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Wall Of Brooks Sinkhole
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Rock Springs Cave
Rock Springs Cavity
Rock Springs Bedding
Rock Springs Exposure
Rock Springs Boardwalk
Rock Springs Bridge
Rock Springs Cavity
Cavity In Rock Springs
Caves In Rock Spring
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink Rock Exposure
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Rock Exposure At Brooks Sink
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink Strata
Brooks Sink Strata
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink Bedding
Brooks Sink Bedding
Brooks Sink Bedding
Shallow Stratigraphic Core Tests on File at the Florida Geological Survey
The Industrial Minerals of Florida
An Investigation of the Geology, Hydrogeology, and Hydrochemistry of the Lower Suwannee River Basin
Geology of Polk County, Florida
Hydrogeological Units of Florida
Phosphate Mining
Coosawhatchie & Charlton JEA Pit Duval Co.
JEA Pit, Duval Co.
JEA Pit, Duval Co.
Coosawhatchie/Charlton JEA Pit Duval Co.
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Exposed Strata At Brooks Sink
Geology of DeSoto County, Florida
Geology of Sarasota County, Florida
Alum Bluff, Liberty County, Florida
Mid Fla. Mining Marion Co. Lower Hawthorn group
Paleoceanographic Model of Neogene Phosphorite Deposition, U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin
Biostratigraphy of Selected Cores of the Hawthorn Formation in Northeast and East-Central Florida
Geology of Hillsborough County, Florida
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