494 results
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Floridan Jamieson Pit, Pebble Line
Miccosukee Hawthorn contact at Floridan Jamieson Pit
Floridan Jamieson Pit, Miccosukee Hawthorn Contact
Millhopper #1
Millhopper #1
Hawthorn #1
Hawthorn Group Martin Anthony Roadcut
Penney Farms Hawthorn Group
Osceola National Forest Feds #1
Mh Osceola Forest - 7
Mh Feds #1
Mh Osceola Forest - 7
Mh Rubhic Zone
Post Mh Carter #1
Mh Osceola Forest - 7
Mh Osceola National Forest Feds #1
Phosphatic Carbonate Arcadia Formation Hawthorn Group
Midway Mine
Strata In Fullers Earth Quarry
Fullers Earth Quarry
Dragline In Fullers Earth Quarry
Fullers Earth Quarry
Fullers Earth Quarry
Hawthorn Group Riverbed Exposure
Deformed Hawthorne Group
Hawthorn Group Fullers Earth exposed at the Engelhard Swisher Mine
Wood in Hawthorn
Hawthorn Group
Fullers Earth Mine
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink Rock Exposure
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Rock Exposure At Brooks Sink
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink Strata
Brooks Sink Strata
Exposed Strata At Brooks Sink
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Wall Of Brooks Sink
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Wall Of Brooks Sinkhole
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Exposed Strata At Brooks Sink
Exposed Rock At Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink Bedding
Brooks Sink Bedding
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