496 results
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Sarasota County Intermediate Aquifer System Core Drilling and Analysis
Scenery of Florida Interpreted by a Geologist
Second Annual Report, 1908-09
Seventeenth Annual Report
Seventh Annual Report
Shallow Stratigraphic Core Tests on File at the Florida Geological Survey
Shallow Stratigraphy of Okaloosa County and Vicinity, Florida
Significance of Caves in Watershed Management and Protection in Florida -- Workshop Proceedings, April 16-17, 2003, Ocala, FL
Sixteenth Annual Report
Sixth Annual Report
Slickensides, Ocala Limestone in Maylen Pit, Crystal River Quarries
Solution pipes in Ocala Limestone (Nov. 1984)
Some Geomorphic Features of Central Peninsular Florida
Spring Creek Submarine Springs Group, Wakulla County, Florida
Springs of Florida
Springs of Florida
Springs of Florida (Revised)
St. Vincent Island (St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge)
Stage Characteristics of Florida Lakes
Steinhatchee Dolomite (Ocala LS) Taylor Co.
Steinhatchee River Exposures
Steinhatchee River Exposures
Steinhatchee River Exposures
Steinhatchee River Exposures
Steinhatchee River Exposures
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 2, Suwannee Petroleum Corporations Sholtz No. 1, Florida Oil Discovery Companys Cedar Keys No. 2
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 3, City of Quincy Water Well, St. Marys Oil Corporation, Hilliard Turpentine Company No. 1 Well
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 4, City of Tallahassee Water Well no. 6, Dale Mabry Field Water Well "B", Ravlin-Brown V.G. Phillips No. 1 Well
Stratigraphic Correlation of Outcrop Gamma Ray Profiles in Florida
Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of Two Deep Wells in Florida
Stratigraphy and Oil Potential of the Lower Cretaceous Sunniland Formation in South Florida
Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Late Neogene Strata of the Caloosahatchee River Area of Southern Florida
Stratigraphy and Zonation of the Ocala Group
Summary of Florida Petroleum Production and Exploration in 1963
Summary of Florida Petroleum Production and Exploration Onshore and Offshore, Through 1984
Summary of the Geology of Florida and a Guidebook to the Classic Exposures
Summary of the Geology of Florida and a Guidebook to the Classic Exposures (Revised)
Summary of the Geology of Glades County, Florida
Suwannee Limestone, Ocala Limestone
Suwannee Ocala contact at Mayo quarry
Suwannee/Ocala Limestone Contact
Tenth and Eleventh Annual Reports
Text to accompany geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Inverness 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Ocala 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, north-central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida, Open File Map Series 98
Text to accompany geologic map of the Jacksonville 30 x 60 minute quadrangle Northeast Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Bartow 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
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