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Text to accompany geologic map of the western portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida Open-File Map Series 99
Hydrogeologic framework of the Southwest Florida Water Management District
Geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida, Open File Map Series 98
Solution pipe visible in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Cenozoic Chert Contact visible in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Contact visible in Suwannee Limestone, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Karst features at Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Contact visible in Limestone at Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Chert, Vulcan Quarry, Hernando County
Suwannee Limestone Chert, Brooksville Vulcan Quarry
Suwannee Limestone at Brooksville Vulcan quarry, Hernando county
Suwannee Limestone boulder in swallet, Columbia County
Suwannee Limestone silicified coral float in swallet in Columbia County
Biennial Report 23 (2003-2004)
Wakulla Springs Scientific Symposium, May 13, 2004, Tallahassee, FL
Aquifer Storage Recovery IV: Science, Technology, Management and Policy - Proceedings, Tampa, FL, April 15-16, 2004
Suwannee Limestone chert outcrop, Jefferson County Florida
Aerial Photo of Suwannee River
Biennial Report 22 (2001-2002)
Geology of Suwannee County, Florida
Significance of Caves in Watershed Management and Protection in Florida -- Workshop Proceedings, April 16-17, 2003, Ocala, FL
Florida Spring Classification System and Spring Glossary
Suwannee Spring Wall
Suwannee Spring Wall
Florida Aquifer Storage and Recovery Geochemical Study, southwest Florida: Year One & Year Two Progress Report
First Magnitude Springs of Florida
Late Oligocene to Pliocene Evolution of the Central Portion of the South Florida Platform: Mixing of Siliciclastic and Carbonate sediments
Econfina River
Biennial Report 21 (1999-2000)
Florida Aquifer Storage and Recovery Geochemical Study: Year Three Progress Report
Lithostratigraphic and Hydrostratigraphic Cross Sections Through Levy-Marion to Pasco Counties, Southwest Florida
Text to accompany the Geologic Map of Florida (Map Series 146)
Guidebook to the Correlation of Geophysical Well Logs within the St. Johns River Water Management District
Geology and Hydrology of Lee County, Florida
Spring Creek Submarine Springs Group, Wakulla County, Florida
The Wakulla Springs Woodville Karst Plain Symposium Transactions, October 9, 1998
Aucilla River Exposures
Aucilla River Exposures
Aucilla River Exposures
Aucilla River Exposures
Aucilla River Exposures
Aucilla River Exposures
Biennial Report 20 (1997-1998)
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