494 results
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Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography of Marine Subaqueous Sand Resources of Floridas Gulf of Mexico, 1942 -1997
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink
The Wakulla Springs Woodville Karst Plain Symposium Transactions, October 9, 1998
Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink
Brooks Sink
Biennial Report 20 (1997-1998)
Geological Assessment: The Foundation of Understanding the "Bucket" that Contains Our Precious Water Resources
Annotated Bibliography of Mercury Studies Related to the Environment and Geologic Setting of Florida
Biennial Report 19 (1995-1996)
Reappraisal of the Geology and Hydrogeology of Gilchrist County, Florida, with Emphasis on the Wacassassa Flats
Economic Geology of the Heavy Mineral Placer Deposits in Northeastern Florida
The Geomorphology and Geology of Taylor County, Florida
Microfossil Sample Preparation and Techniques
Biennial Report 18 (1993-1994)
Core Drilling and Analysis: City of Sarasota, Downtown Well Field
Lithostratigraphic and Hydrostratigraphic Cross Sections Through Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties, Southwest Florida
Bibliography and Index of Graduate Theses and Dissertations on Florida Geology Through 1991 Including Selected Abstracts
Hawthorn Group at Lake Miccosukee Sink
A Fossil Hunters Guide to the Geology of Southern Florida
A Fossil Hunters Guide to the Geology of the Northern Florida Peninsula
A Fossil Hunters Guide to the Geology of Panhandle Florida
The Geology of Warm Mineral Springs, Sarasota County, Florida
Geologic Framework of the Lower Floridan Aquifer System, Brevard County, Florida
Floridas Geological History and Geological Resources
Lloyd Creek Exposures
Lloyd Creek Exposures
Lloyd Creek Exposures
Lloyd Creek Exposures
Lloyd Creek Exposures
Lloyd Creek Exposures
Lloyd Creek Exposures
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