496 results
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Summary of the Geology of Florida and a Guidebook to the Classic Exposures
Summary of the Geology of Florida and a Guidebook to the Classic Exposures (Revised)
Summary of the Geology of Glades County, Florida
Suwannee Limestone, Ocala Limestone
Suwannee Ocala contact at Mayo quarry
Suwannee/Ocala Limestone Contact
Tenth and Eleventh Annual Reports
Text to accompany geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Inverness 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Ocala 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, north-central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the eastern portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida, Open File Map Series 98
Text to accompany geologic map of the Jacksonville 30 x 60 minute quadrangle Northeast Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Bartow 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Daytona Beach 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northeast Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Kissimmee 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Orlando 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, Central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Saint Augustine 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northeast Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Saint Petersburg 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, west-central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Tarpon Springs 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the USGS Vero Beach 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the western portion of the USGS Inverness 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the western portion of the USGS Ocala 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, north-central Florida
Text to accompany geologic map of the western portion of the USGS Perry 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, northern Florida Open-File Map Series 99
Text to accompany the Geologic Map of Florida (Map Series 146)
The Artesian Water of the Ruskin Area of Hillsborough County, Florida
The Artesian Water of the Ruskin Area of Hillsborough County, Florida, Interim Report
The Beneficial Uses of Zones of High Transmissivities in the Florida Subsurface for Water Storage and Waste Disposal
The Dollar Bay Formation of Lower Cretaceous (Fredericksburg) Age in South Florida, Its Stratigraphy and Petroleum Possibilities
The Dolomitic Limestones of Florida
The Florida Geological Survey: An Illustrated Chronicle and Brief History
The Foraminifera of the Upper, Middle, and Part of the Lower Miocene of Florida
The Geology and Geomorphology of Floridas Coastal Marshes
The Geology and Geomorphology of Gilchrist County, Florida
The Geology and Water Resources of the Upper Suwannee River Basin, Florida
The Geology of Collier County, Florida
The Geology of Flagler County, Florida
The Geology of Hamilton County, Florida
The Geology of the Western Part of Alachua County, Florida
The Geology of Wakulla Springs
The Geomorphology and Geology of Calhoun County, Florida
The Geomorphology and Geology of Dixie County, Florida
The Geomorphology and Geology of Liberty County, Florida
The Geomorphology and Geology of Taylor County, Florida
The Geomorphology of the Florida Peninsula
The Geomorphology, Geology and Hydrogeology of Baker County, Florida
The Geomorphology, Geology and Hydrogeology of Lafayette County, Florida
The Geothermal Nature of the Floridan Plateau
The Ground-Water Resources of Volusia County, Florida
The Hawthorn Formation of Central Florida
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