494 results
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Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Suwannee River Exposures
Summary of the Geology of Glades County, Florida
Summary of the Geology of Florida and a Guidebook to the Classic Exposures (Revised)
Summary of the Geology of Florida and a Guidebook to the Classic Exposures
Summary of Hydrologic Conditions and Effects of Walt Disney World Development in the Reedy Creek Improvement District, 1966-73
Stratigraphy and Zonation of the Ocala Group
Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Late Neogene Strata of the Caloosahatchee River Area of Southern Florida
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 4, City of Tallahassee Water Well no. 6, Dale Mabry Field Water Well "B", Ravlin-Brown V.G. Phillips No. 1 Well
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida - No. 3, City of Quincy Water Well, St. Marys Oil Corporation, Hilliard Turpentine Company No. 1 Well
Stratigraphic and Paleontologic Studies of Wells in Florida
Strata In Fullers Earth Quarry
STATEMAP Core Photo from Devils Millhopper showing Hawthorn Group
Stairs at Devils Millhopper Geological State Park
Stairs at Devils Millhopper Geological State Park
Stage Characteristics of Florida Lakes
Springs of Florida (Revised)
Springs of Florida
Springs of Florida
Sopchoppy River Exposures
Some Geomorphic Features of Central Peninsular Florida
Sixth Annual Report
Sixteenth Annual Report
Shallow Stratigraphic Core Tests on File at the Florida Geological Survey
Seventh Annual Report
Seventeenth Annual Report
Second Annual Report, 1908-09
Scenery of Florida Interpreted by a Geologist
Sarasota County Intermediate Aquifer System Core Drilling and Analysis
Sand, Gravel and Heavy-Mineral Resources Potential of Surficial Sediments Offshore of Cape Canaveral, Florida
Saline-Water Intrusion From Deep Artesian Sources in the McGregor Isles Area of Lee County, Florida
Rocks and Minerals of Florida, A Guide to Identification, Occurrence, Production and Use
Rock Springs Exposure
Rock Springs Cavity
Rock Springs Cavity
Rock Springs Cave
Rock Springs Bridge
Rock Springs Boardwalk
Rock Springs Bedding
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