439 results
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Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Closeup of Marianna Limestone, Trawick Pit, January 2000
Closeup of Bridgeboro Limestone, Duncan Church Quarry, January 2000
Closeup of Bridgeboro Limestone, Duncan Church Quarry, January 2000
Closeup of Marianna Limestone, Trawick Pit, January 2000
Closeup of Limestone at Trawick Pit, January 2000
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Brooks Quarry, Florida Hi-Cal, Jackson County
Industrial Minerals Industry Directory of Florida
Mineral Resources of Jackson County, Florida
Geological Assessment: The Foundation of Understanding the "Bucket" that Contains Our Precious Water Resources
The Florida Geological Survey: An Illustrated Chronicle and Brief History
Swamp with Limestone Boulder, Florida Caverns State Park
Jackson County Outcrop
House, Possibly Made of Marianna Limestone
Bibliography and Index of Graduate Theses and Dissertations on Florida Geology Through 1991 Including Selected Abstracts
A Fossil Hunters Guide to the Geology of Panhandle Florida
Floridas Geological History and Geological Resources
Broken Column Due to Settling
Marianna Limestone from China Cave
Marianna Limestone from Tiny Quarry by China Cave
Industrial Minerals Industry Directory of Florida
The Neogene of Florida and Adjacent Regions: Proceedings of the Third Bald Head Island Conference on Coastal Plains Geology
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Background Hydrogeochemistry
A Geological Overview of Florida
The Geomorphology and Geology of Liberty County, Florida
Geology of Gulf County, Florida
Floridas Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program, Hydrogeological Framework
The Geomorphology and Geology of Calhoun County, Florida
Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Madison County, Florida
Information Circular 105 (in two parts)
Stratigraphic Correlation of Outcrop Gamma Ray Profiles in Florida
Geologic Descriptions of Selected Exposures in Florida
Florida Caverns State Park, Jackson County, Florida
Guide to Rocks and Minerals of Florida (Revised)
Shallow Stratigraphic Core Tests on File at the Florida Geological Survey
The Industrial Minerals of Florida
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