295 results
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Neogene Stratigraphy and Geologic History of the Apalachicola Embayment
A Geologic Guide to the State Parks of the Florida Panhandle Coast: St. George Island, St. Joseph Peninsula, St. Andrews and Grayton Beach Parks and Recreation Areas
The Hawthorn Formation of Northeastern Florida
The Geology and Water Resources of the Upper Suwannee River Basin, Florida
Dissertations and Theses on Geology Completed at Florida Universities
The Florida Bureau of Geology, Past, Present, and Future
Shallow Stratigraphy of Okaloosa County and Vicinity, Florida
The Hawthorn Formation of Northeastern Florida, Part I: The Geology of the Hawthorn Formation of Northeastern Florida
Miocene of the Southeastern United States, Proceedings of a Symposium Held December 4-5, 1980, Tallahassee, Florida
The Hawthorn Formation of Central Florida
Intraclast and pellet phosphorite sedimentation in the Miocene of Florida
The Sand and Gravel Resources of Florida
Geology of Bay County, Florida
Guidelines for Authors with Comments for Editorial Reviewers
Phosphorite Sedimentation in Florida - A Model Phosphogenic System
Petrology of the Tertiary Phosphorite System of Florida
The Mineral Industry of Florida, 1976
The Mineral Industry of Florida, 1975
The Limestone, Dolomite and Coquina Resources of Florida
Florida: The New Uranium Producer
The Mineral Industry of Florida, 1974
The Geology of the Western Part of Alachua County, Florida
The Highland Heavy-Mineral Sand Deposit on Trail Ridge in Northern Peninsular Florida
Springs of Florida (Revised)
The Geothermal Nature of the Floridan Plateau
The Mineral Industry of Florida, 1973
Water Resources of Indian River County, Florida
Appraisal of the Water Resources of Charlotte County, Florida
The Mineral Industry of Florida, 1972
Water Balance of Lake Kerr - A Deductive Study of a Landlocked Lake in North-Central Florida
Geologic Framework of the High Transmissivity Zones in South Florida
Environmental Geology and Hydrology, Tampa Area, Florida
Water Resources of Broward County, Florida
Hydrologic Conditions in the Lakeland Ridge Area of Polk County, Florida
New and Little-Known Corals from the Tampa Formation of Florida
Public Water Supplies of Selected Municipalities in Florida, 1970
Saline-Water Intrusion From Deep Artesian Sources in the McGregor Isles Area of Lee County, Florida
Hydrologic Effects of Water Control and Management of Southeastern Florida
The Shallow-Aquifer System in Duval County, Florida
Igneous and Metamorphic Basement Rocks of Florida
Proceedings, Seventh Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals, April 28-30, 1971
Environmental Geology and Hydrology, Tallahassee Area, Florida
Corals from the Chipola and Jackson Bluff Formations of Florida
Water Levels in Artesian and Nonartesian Aquifers of Florida, 1967-68
Water Levels in Artesian and Nonartesian Aquifers of Florida, 1965-66
General Hydrology of the Middle Gulf Area, Florida
The Geomorphology of the Florida Peninsula
Geology of the Upper Cretaceous Clastic Section Northern Peninsular Florida
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