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(database) line N/A: Unknown column 'field12' in 'order clause'<br/><br/>select distinct *,r2.total_hit_count score from (select r.ref, r.resource_type, r.has_image, r.is_transcoding, r.creation_date, r.rating, r.user_rating, r.user_rating_count, r.user_rating_total, r.file_extension, r.preview_extension, r.image_red, r.image_green, r.image_blue, r.thumb_width, r.thumb_height, r.archive, r.access, r.colour_key, r.created_by, r.file_modified, r.file_checksum, r.request_count, r.new_hit_count, r.expiry_notification_sent, r.preview_tweaks, r.file_path ,rca.access group_access,rca2.access user_access , r.hit_count total_hit_count from resource r LEFT OUTER JOIN resource_custom_access rca2 ON r.ref=rca2.resource AND rca2.user='3' AND (rca2.user_expires IS null or rca2.user_expires>now()) AND rca2.access<>2 LEFT OUTER JOIN resource_custom_access rca ON r.ref=rca.resource AND rca.usergroup='9' AND rca.access<>2 where (r.access<>'2' or (r.access=2 and ((rca.access is not null and rca.access<>2) or (rca2.access is not null and rca2.access<>2)))) and archive in (0) and (r.archive<>-2 or r.created_by='3') and (r.archive<>-1 or r.created_by='3') and r.ref>0 AND not(rca.resource IS null AND r.access=3) order by ref desc limit 1000 ) r2 order by score DESC, user_rating DESC, total_hit_count DESC , field12 DESC, r2.ref DESC